Advanced open water scuba diver course

Advanced open water diver course

Exploration, Exhilaration & Experience.

Don’t delay, dive into your next underwater adventure today!

Exploration, Exhilaration & Experience.
That’s what the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course is all about. This course aims to advance your confidence and scuba skills through different Adventure Dives.
Try out different specialities on your custom learning path while gaining valuable diving experience. There are two required dives – Deep and Underwater Navigation.

Contact us today to find out how to get started!

Advanced open water diver course schedule

Day17am – 3pm3 adventure shore dives – Peak Performance Buoyancy; Navigation; Night dive(depends on sea conditions)
Day27am – 2pm2 adventure boat dives – Deep dive; boat dive;
AOW course preschedule

Introduce a section of the Advanced open water diver course

Peak performance buoyancy

An ideal diver may vary from person to person, but the type of diver we aim for is one who is considerate of the underwater environment and shows respect for the ocean and marine life.

To achieve this, a major step is to enhance your underwater posture and swimming technique—in other words, your buoyancy control skills. Building on the techniques you have already learned in the Open Water course, additional training will cover frog kick, helicopter turn, and back kick.

You will also learn how to properly consider appropriate weighting and how to control your depth through breathing techniques.

We will calculate your Surface Consumption Rate (SCR) for each dive to monitor your air consumption and track your progress in buoyancy control with measurable data.

During the course, we will use streamlined diving equipment for these skills. This includes a wing backplate harness BCD and fins that aid in achieving neutral buoyancy.

Deep diving

In this section, you will learn how to plan a dive when diving deeper than 18 meters. Using the dive planning sheet below, you will predict air consumption and follow the rule of thirds to ensure a safe dive according to your plan.

Achieving this will be the goal.

Dive planning sheet
With us
The course includes five dives: a deep dive below 18m/60f, a navigation dive, and three specialty dives. Gain experience, build confidence and discover your diving abilities.
Prerequisites: Open Water Diver/Junior Open Water Diver (or qualifying certification)
Total time commitment: 2-3 days
Minimum age: 12 years or older
Depth: The maximum depth depends on your age, but maximum depth is up to 30 metres/100 feet
Prerequisites & Minimum Age
Course prerequisites: PADI Open Water Diver
The minimum age to start the Advanced Open Water Diver course is 12.
After this course

If you like making multiple dives in one day, or taking multi-day dive trips, getting Enriched Air Nitrox certified will unlock longer, deeper dives and shorter surface intervals.