Tec40 diver course

Consists of seven knowledge development sections, four practical application sessions and four training dives. Designed for the diver transitioning from recreational diving to technical diving.

Activities Allowed After Certification

  • Diving within a depth of 40 meters, with a total decompression time of less than 10 minutes.
  • Diving with a decompression cylinder up to EANx50.

Equipment to be prepared by yourself

  • BCD
  • Regulator ( 210cm long horse )
  • Torch
  • DSMB (Spool/30meters and Surface marker buoy or Lift bag)
  • Backup Mask
  • Dive computer
  • Wrist type Compass
  • Cutting device
  • Slate and pencil
Student Prerequisites
  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or Equivalent
  • PADI Enriched Air Diver
  • PADI Deep Diver or proof of 10 dives to 30 metres/100 feet or deeper
  • 30 logged dives
  • 18 years old

Recommendation from TEAL ORANGE DIVE

  • Have a own equipment
  • Usually perform the frog kick( helicopter turn, backward kick )
  • 100 logged dives

Introduce a section of the Tec40 course

Buoyancy control

With two tanks on the back as doubles and a decompression tank with up to 50% oxygen side-mounted, basic skills such as normal hovering, helicopter turns, and back kicks will be performed while mounting a total of three tanks.

Performance Objectives
Tec 40Dive oneDive twoDive threeDive four
EnvironmentConfined water with water shallow enough in which to standOpen waterOpen waterOpen water
GasesAir or up toEANx50Air or up toEANx50Air or up toEANx50Air or up toEANx50
DepthMax 10mswMin15 ~ Max 24mswMin18 ~ Max 40msw
Min17 ~ Max 40msw
Deco No stop onlyNo stop( simulated )No stop( simulated )up to 10min using a Deco gas or 15min bottom gas throughout dive
1AssemblyPlan the dive
using manual calculation
Plan the dive using manual calculation Plan the dive
using software
2Predive sequence
Predive sequence
Predive sequence
Predive sequence
Bubble checkBubble check Bubble check Bubble check
3Buoyancy and Trim checkSignal communication any limit reachedSignal communication any limit reachedSignal communication any limit reached
swim 2min
Gas change to stage or Deco cylinder
5Hover (1min)V-drillGas switch
6Frog kick
Helicopter turn
Back kick
7Regulator recover and clearNO TOX gas switchMask remove and replace
8Mask remove and replaceGas change to stage or Deco cylinder
Optional 3 simulated problem
9Valve shutdown drillSCR of Deco gas during stop for later calculateDSMB
(receiver and donor)
Backup DSMB deployment
11Deco cylinder remove and replaceOptional 3 simulated problem
12Gas switch
DSMB ascent
15Simulate Deco stop ( 8min )
Debriefing ( comparison with your plan )Debriefing ( comparison with your plan )Debriefing ( comparison with your plan )
All skill are performed without bottom contact

TEC40 diver course preschedule

E-learning14daysHome studying on e-learning
Day1ClassroomKnowledge review paper test
Configuration your Equipment
Land-drill ; Practical application
Day2CWConfined water training ( Tec basic course up to this point )
Day3Rest day-
Day4Dive twoOpen water
Day5Dive threeOpen water
Day6Dive fourDecompression dive
Day7Extra day
Tec40 course pre schedule