Do you have a pickup service ?
Available by free nearby our shop of Onna Village
Please take a look where we recommend Accommodation
Is lunch included ?
Lunch is not included, please bring your own if you plan to do 3 dives.
For 2 dives, no need to bring your own lunch as the dive will be finished by noon.
Cash or Credit card ?
Available via Cash and Credit card
How about cancel policy ?
Cancellation up to 3 days in advance is free. 50% of the fee will be charged for cancellations after 3 days.
No cancellation fee will be charged if the dive site is changed due to poor sea conditions or if the dive cannot be performed.
Can we do Discover Scuba Diving and a fun dive at the same time?
It is possible, but the maximum depth will be 12m as DSD has priority.
Do I need to pay in advance?
We please , only e-learning for PADI course
However, during the busy summer season, advance payment may be requested.
Can we request Dive sites during PADI courses ?
We choose the best location for your training, so we cannot accommodate your requests.
What is the maximum number of people who can participate in a fun dive?
For safety reasons, we try to keep the number of participants as small as possible.
How long will it take to receive my PADI certification card?
around 2 weeks
Do you have available rental gears ?
yes , let us know your Height , Weight and Shoe size